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Jun 21, 2020

On being a Mourning Dove...

                                                                                                Photo by BarrytheBirder
I have observed Mourning Dove countless times over the years, and there are a couple of things about them on which I have to comment.   Unlike all other birds in the backyard, either at the feeders or on the ground, the Mourning Doves will take time to close their eyes and bury their beaks in their feathers for extended periods of time (see photos above and below).   It's as if they are sleeping: but exposed, in broad daylight?!?   Other times they will spread their wings while on the ground, or perched, apparently to let the sun drive bugs from their feathers; again for seemingly long periods of time.  Mourning Doves are usually very aware of their surroundings, and will take flight as quickly as most other birds if there is some alarm.   Other times, they seem to be the last of the many birds near the feeders to react to warnings.   They are, by far, the birds species most often taken by fierce, fast-flying Cooper's Hawks and Sharp-shipped Hawks.   It's a fact of life, but I hate to see the doves taken as frequently as they are.

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