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Nov 30, 2019

Chowing down at Dog Tales Sanctuary...

 Photos by Barry Wallace

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Barry Wallace

Nov 29, 2019

Trumpeter Swans on open November water...

Photos by BarrytheBirder

Early snows in November have disappeared but it is still quite cold and many local King Township ponds have ice on them.   Nevertheless, Trumpeter Swans are to be found on some ponds where there is still open water. 


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Nov 28, 2019

Sharp-shinned Hawk daily visitor to feeders...

Although it visits the backyard bird feeders almost every day in winter, the Sharp-shinned Hawk (right) is not usually successful in snatching up a Mourning Dove, its favourite food target.   Mourning Doves usually forage for seeds on the ground and are quite exposed to aerial attacks by hawks.   But the hawk needs as much luck as skill to be successful enough to make the attempts worthwhile.
When the hawk is successful, a plump Mourning Dove makes a substantial meal.  And if Sharp-shinned Hawk are not threat enough, the Mourning Dove must be equally lucky to escape the clutches of Cooper's Hawks that swoop by frequently.

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