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Jul 9, 2011

Where are all the birds coming from?

Many people have commented to me this summer that they are seeing and hearing a lot more birds, both familiar and unfamiliar, than usual.   I reply that, yes, I have noticed the same thing.   It's well known that global warming and other environmental factors seem to be responsible for many species  here in south-central Canada pushing up their northern boundaries for the past several years.   In my personal opinion, this year's cold, wet, late spring stalled the annual northern migration considerably, and many birds (insectivores) threw up their wings in frustration and started nesting wherever they happened to be.   From a birdwatching point of view it's not a bad thing.   Many non-birders have actually taken the time to identify birds with which they were not previously familiar.   Some of the bird names that I hear popping up with regularity are Baltimore Oriole, Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting and Cedar Waxwing, among others.  It's an ill wind that blows no one some good, I guess.   Please comment if you wish.   (Kingfisher photo by BarrytheBirder)

1 comment: said...

This is interesting, because I have noticed the same. I thought I was wrong, and now you are confirming, never mind the Cedar Waxwings, I used to see on or two hanging out, and now I see 4-5 at once flying around. Well, in general, I also noticed or at least it feels like trees are much bigger this year - probably accelerated growth due to wetness. Anna :)