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Aug 27, 2020

The birding numbers game...

                                                                                                        Photo by BarrytheBirder

aCanada Warblera (Cardellina canadensis)

Is there a bird species exclusive to Canada?

Even though the Canada Warbler (pictured above) has the word Canada in its name, it is not an exclusive bird to Canada.   No bird in the world is exclusive to Canada.   Of the 462 bird species in Canada, just three breed only in Canada: the Harris's Sparrow, the Ross's Goose and the Whopping Crane.   But that doesn't count in the grand scheme of things. 

How many bird species are in the world?

The IOC World Bird List states there are 10,787 extant bird species and 158 extinct species of birds of the world, with sub-species numbering (20,003) and annotations.   For decades and decades, avid birder watchers have been chasing the 10,000 bird species mark, only to be told in the 21st century, that they have another 10,000 sub-species to go.   Thank goodness, I quit counting at 425.

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