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Aug 30, 2014

Not all birds hereabouts are wild birds

Photo by BarrytheBirder
 Rooster in the Holland Marsh
There are no big chicken farms that I know of in the Holland Marsh but there are some market-garden plots that have a few hens and roosters in the yards around their houses.   This cock-of-the-walk certainly appeared to be master of all he surveyed within his small patch, surrounded by thousands of acres of onions, carrots, and other numerous veggies.   Isn't he a beauty?
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Aug 28, 2014

Goldfinches at the birdbath

Photo by BarrytheBirder
One of my favourite birds ~ summer or winter
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Aug 26, 2014

Waiting their turn...

                                                                                                         Photo by Barry Wallace
Mourning Doves at one of the nuthatch feeders
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Aug 25, 2014

Blackburnian always first migrating fall warbler in my backyard

Photo by BarrytheBirder
Blackburnian Warbler

For several years the first southward migrating warbler I see in my backyard each August is the Blackburnian Warbler.   These warblers (male and female) spend their summer at the very top of trees and I hardly ever see one.   But each August, a few show up in my cedar hedge (like the one above) and I get my fix.   They start their migration earlier than many other warblers because most are headed for the Andes mountains of South America, particularly the northern Andes of Ecuador and Columbia. They show up as far south as Peru and northern Brazil.   It's arrival date this year in my King City, Ontario, backyard was August 24.
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Aug 22, 2014


                                                                                                                                                                                   Photo by BarrytheBirder
...but the ducks don't seem to get the message.
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Aug 20, 2014

More of a summer's hummers...

                                                                                                                                                                                   Photo by BarrytheBirder

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Aug 19, 2014

What the heck is it?

Photo by BarrytheBirder
Our backyard played host to this odd-looking bird yesterday.   It appeared at the same time as several Grackles but did not join the Grackles for a feeder frenzy.   I have no idea if this is hybrid, a crossbreed, or a bird I've just never seen before.   It was 6-7" long.   Does anyone have an idea what it may be?
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Aug 17, 2014

American Bittern on the wing

Photo by BarrytheBirder
I may have published this photo before over the course of the last eight years, but I have stumbled upon it recently and have decided to put it in the blog for the following reasons.   1. It's the only photo of an American Bittern I have ever taken.   2. It was pure luck and reflex that I got the shot as I flushed the bird from cattails at Luther Marsh.   3. I like the bittern's markings and colouring.   4. Despite my Audubon Field Guide's contention that the American Bittern is "...short-legged and heavy-bodied..." and "...pot-bellied in flight..." , I really like its shape in flight.   With its long beak and long pointed wing tips, I think it looks quite aerodynamic in the air.   I see and hear this bird in marsh reeds occasionally but this is the only one I have seen flying.   It was special for me.
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Aug 15, 2014

British Columbia Hummer

All photos by Dave Kemp
While I'm watching several Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in my backyard in Ontario, my long-distance acquaintance, Dave Kemp, in lower British Columbia, is watching and photographing several hummer species, including the Anna's Hummingbird pictured above.   Thanks for sharing your photos Dave...great shots!
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Aug 14, 2014

Disappointment all-around

Photo by BarrytheBirder
This young Ring-billed Gull's body language describes my feelings after being chilled and rained-out on what was to be a 4-day stay on the beach at Southampton, on Lake Huron, this week.   My wife and I cut the trip to two days after the temperature dropped to 13C.   The date was also Aug. 13...bad luck all-around it seems.   I did record a new life-bird however.   I spotted a two Piping Plovers on a beach at Port Elgin.   More bad luck befell me though when I went to record the sighting on my life list.   After adding the Piping Plover, I did a manual count of my life list which I thought had stood at 425.   That's the number you see at the top of this blog.   But after adding the plover I did a manual count of my list and came up with 421 birds.   Somewhere along the line I had mistakably counted 425!   It's time to switch my list to a computerized count I guess.   Once again, my luck gave out when I saw the plovers but did not have my camera with me.   There was also a Little Gull (which I've never photographed before) near the plovers.   Below is an illustration of Little Gulls by well-known American illustrator, Julie Zickafoose.
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Aug 9, 2014

The Elvis & Costello team are no more

Photos by Barry Wallace
I visited Pine Farms Orchard today to buy some butter tarts but there was only one left.   I bought it as well as a coconut raspberry square.   There was a poster at the door with a picture and a few words about Costello, the Muscovy duck, who is a resident of Pine Farms. The pictures here show Costello with his long-time buddy Elvis.   Sadly, Elvis is no more. He disappeared one day not so long ago and never returned.   In these two pictures, which I took almost 10 years ago, Elvis is seen on the left side, Costello on the right.   The two buddies were well-liked ambassadors at the apple orchard and Elvis is sorely missed by many apple-pickers and cafe customers.   Muscovy ducks are silent but they have an amazing presence and visual communications skills.   I miss Elvis and I feel sorry for Costello.   Such is life.
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Aug 6, 2014

Great Blue Heron's perfect perch

Photo by BarrytheBirder
Glenville Pond
Dufferin Street and Highway 9
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Aug 5, 2014

Our cat is now on a leash outdoors

Photo by Barry Wallace
After years of our cats running free in the yard (and in the neighbours' yards), our newest cat is now on a leash when he goes into the backyard.   It's to save the birds and to protect him as well.   Over the years we've lost a few cats to misadventure as they had the run of the neighbourhood.   Finally, we know where the cat is at all times.   And it seems the birds and squirrels and chipmunks are much safer.   Jaime is a year old now and as far as we know, he has not caught a bird yet...or any other critter.   It's not for lack of trying.   He still stalks anything that moves but he always runs out of rope before he ponces on anything.   He may not look thrilled about his situation (above), but he is quite used to the leash.   He has not known anything else, since he was a kitten.   We now have many more birds at the feeders at any given time.   The leash was Linda's idea and I wish we had done this a long time ago.   Live and learn.   Below are photos of some of our backyard birds.
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Mourning Dove
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (female)
House Wren
Black-throated Blue Warbler