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Nov 26, 2020

A remarkable bird is the goldfinch...

Photo by BarrytheBirder
If you were to pick a bird to typify summer, you would be hard pressed not to choose the yellowy American Goldfinch.   But I feel this same little bird might just be my favourite winter bird also.   Then again,  this showy little finch is a joy to have about year-round.   Its predominant colour matches sunny summer and contrasts delightfully with winter's grey monotone.  Cardinals, Chickadees, and Blue Jays are delights and quite welcome, but they are not 'sunny'.   What do you think?
Please comment if you wish.

1 comment:

Robert Campbell said...

Actually I just had a flock of them in my yard a couple of days ago. They're an infrequent visitor for me so its a big deal when they do show up. I think they prefer areas with more open fields. Although a fellow just down the lake from me sees them much more often , and where the Stellar and Grey Jays are regulars at my feeder , for him they seldom show up. But yes seeing Goldfinches in their breeding plumage travelling through hedge rows is usually a highlight a summers walk.