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Mar 13, 2019

The RAVENMASTER by Christopher Skaife

Photo by Barry Wallace
I've just finished reading The Ravenmaster by Christopher Skaife, Yoeman Warder of the Tower of London.   Any birder will find this book an interesting read.  If you're not a birderwatcher, it may not be worth your time and interest.  This book came to my attention rather inadvertently.   My local library has been supplying me with 50 books by the late Canadian author, Pierre Berton.   The new Ravenmaster book showed up, inexplicably, along with a couple of the Berton books I had reserved.   Being a birder, I thought I would give a whirl.  As I read it, I found myself learning more about this species, in a few days, than I have in my 30 years as  an earnest birder.   There's nine colourful photos, in the centrespread, that add to a pleasurable read.   Despite Scaife's long experience with, and knowledgeable insight about ravens, there's the  persistently mystifying and unexplained behaviour about ravens.
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1 comment:

Robert Campbell said...

I'll look for it at our local library. It's that time of year - this past week the Ravens have been pairing up and practicing their synchronized ( love the spell check) flying routines . Re Pierre Burton books, they should be required reading for high school history classes.