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Mar 20, 2024


Photos by BarrytheBirder

Buteo swainsoni
The Swainson's Hawk, pictured here, has been spotted by many people in Aurora for several days recently, in the neighbourhood of the Delmanor Retirement Residence, on Yonge Street opposite the Aurora Cemetery.   This hawk normally nests on plains and prairies in western Canada and the United States and is a very rare spring, and primarily, fall migrant in eastern North America.   It winters chiefly in South America and rarely in southern Florida and south Texas.     

It is distinguished from most other buteo hawks by long narrow, pointed wings.   All but the darkest of these birds show contrast between paler wing linings and dark flight feathers (quite notable in these photos).   It is 21" long with a wingspan of 52" and is quite close in size to local Red-tailed Hawks.    

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