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Jul 12, 2020


                                                                   Photo: Sofia Runarsdottar
"Writing this book has changed the way I see birds, given me a new pair of binoculars, so to speak"

Reading this book has changed the way I see birds also.   I've been a birder for many years and my life list has over 450 species on it and at my age I don't expect to add to it any time soon.   But Jennifer Ackerman's new book 'The Bird Way' has shown me behaviour in the avian world in a whole new way.  Ornithology has and is changing rapidly, upsetting much of what I had observed and learned over the years.   The bird world is changing in so many ways and so rapidly that even the experts are often bewildered.   But what is being learned about our old notions and contentions throws a lot of our pre-conceptions and prejudices on the dung heap.   Keep an open mind reading this book, you'll need it big-time.

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1 comment:

Robert Campbell said...

I've got a birthday next month - I'll put it on the list.