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Dec 29, 2019

Hawks have to eat also...

                                                                                                 Photo by BarrytheBirder
(Accipitor cooperii)
This handsome and fierce-looking raptor is a regular in the winter near the bird feeders.   It has great eyesight and agility when swooping under the feeders to attack feeding birds, particularly Mourning Doves.   It is more often unsuccessful in its attacks, but does succeed often enough to survive the cold and snowy winters and keep itself strong and healthy.  The male pictured here is about 15" long (smaller than the females by a couple of inches).   It is almost identical in appearance to the Sharp-shinned hawk, except that it is about 4" longer and has a distinctive dark crown to the top of its head, unlike the smaller Sharp-shinned Hawk which has a slate-grey top to its head and nape.
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