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Oct 14, 2019

Red-winged (first summer) Blackbirds ~ Agelaius phoeniceus

Photos by BarrytheBirder
These are the first photos I have ever taken of a young male Red-winged Blackbird.   In fact, it's the first one I've ever seen.   There were three of them at the backyard feeders for the first time ever, that I know of.   I've had both male and female adult 'Red-wingeds' many times before, but this sighting was a bit of a thrill.   Most noticeable, of course, is the feathers of the head, back, and secondary coverts edged with brown to buff.

The photo below shows one of the young blackbirds standing next to a European Starling, beneath the feeders.   The starlings tried to chase-off the blackbirds, but they stood their ground and continued to get their share of seeds.

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