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Oct 4, 2018

Canada Jay ~ Canada's unofficial national bird...

 Painting by John James Audubon

Art - Canadian Encyclopedia 
Well, despite support in Canada, from coast to coast and just about everywhere in between, the federal government continues to state that it does not have any plans to declare the Canada Jay (Perisoreus canadensis) as Canada's official bird.   The most recent push came from 50,000 readers of Canadian Geographic Magazine who selected the top five choices and a panel debated which of the five finalists should be chosen.   The Canada Jay was the final choice.   We head into 2019 wondering if this bird challenge will ever be settled.   Being a bit of a contrarian, I prefer the Common Loon.
Please comment if you wish.

1 comment:

Robert Campbell said...

Gotta go with the Canada Jay although I prefer Whiskey Jack , but that's another debate. It's an all year round resident. Light a campfire in the dead of winter , and before the tea is ready, you'll probably have company.
Now the Loon , like some of my neighbours , like to spend half the year in the US of A. As I speak, they've (the neighbours not the Loon) already packed their satellite dish ( Hockey Night In Canada), square dancing shoes , prescriptions and made sure their medical insurance won't leave them homeless as they head off to a gated community in the desert where they like to fill their facebook pages with pictures of oranges on trees and bricks of cheese that still has the price tag.
That's my rant - to all , enjoy the Thanksgiving weekend. True North