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Nov 5, 2017

Whose afraid of the big bad turkey?

    Photo by Jim Hadcock
Photo by BarrytheBirder
Wild Turkeys, after having been wiped out of eastern Canada and the US. a hundred years ago, are making a remarkable comeback.  But they are increasingly clashing with human residents in semi-urban areas, who say the turkeys destroy their gardens, damage automobiles, chase household pets and attack people.   The complaints are often nothing more than a turkey blocking traffic, but recently in New England, there were five cases of Wild Turkeys that became so aggressive, local police has to shoot them to protect humans.  Recently, a large male turkey attacked a woman and her child and backed off only when the mother whacked the turkey several times with a shovel.  Local officials suggested residents "...step forward and act confidently."   Whenever I come across Wild Turkeys, they are always very wary and immediately head off in the opposite direction.   I also think Wild Turkeys have learned to recognize shotguns when they see them.
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