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Sep 16, 2012

World's migration champion

Photo by Dave Walsh / Milennium Images
MMArctic TernMM
Sterna paradisaea
An Arctic Tern is seen defending its nest in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway, 746 miles from the North Pole.   Arctic Terns wing their way to Antartica and back to the Arctic every year, a round trip of more than 70,000 kilometres (or 2.4 million kilometres in their lifetimes) the longest known migration of any animal or bird.
Please comment if you wish.


Dave Walsh said...

Hi Barry
This image has been posted without permission - although I do see you've credited the image, so thanks for that. Can you please link to my website?
Arctic Tern photograph


Dave Walsh

BarrytheBirder said...

Photographer Dave Walsh has asked me to publish a link to his website. I am happy to do so: