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Sep 5, 2012

Return of White-breasted Nuthatches

Photo by BarrytheBirder
MWhite-breasted NuthatchM
Sitta carolinensis
I'm happy to report that a pair of White-breasted Nuthatches have become regular visitors to my backyard feeders after an absence of a few years.  They were regular visitors over the years, but then a few years ago stopped dropping by.   I'd see lots of them in the fields and woods just outside the village of King City, but not in my backyard.   It's great to have them back and I sure hope they stick around, rather than heading south this fall to visit relatives in Florida or Texas.   They are such a striking bird to look at in their morning-suit attire.
Please comment if you wish.

1 comment:

jimstephenson said...

For me these are everyday visitors. Love them. BTW they love peanuts at my feeders.