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Apr 1, 2020

Common Mergansers at Glenville Pond

Photo: Wikipedia Commons
Common Merganser
(Mergus Merganser)
No sooner had the ice on Glenville Pond, at Hwy. 9 and Dufferin Street, west of Newmarket, melted this past week, than three Common Merganser Ducks (two  males and one female) showed up.   This type of duck prefers lakes bordered by mature forest and that is exactly what the Glenville Pond provides.   In all likelihood however, these three attractive birds plan to head further north into Ontario to nest and breed.
Please comment if you wish. 

1 comment:

Robert Campbell said...

Usually by this time of year the males are lined up on the ices edge as it melts away from the lakeshore. With last night at -18 , and more cold in the forecast, it will be awhile before we see any open water. It does however give me a chance to walk the shoreline to check out my nesting boxes - something I always seem to put off till its too late.