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Sep 27, 2017

Orange Duck or Duck l'Orange?

 Photo:Prasanna Kumar Mamadala
Of course I have heard of tasty Duck l'Orange (French: Canard a l'Orange) for many years.   But this week, I have learned of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea), a.k.a. the Orange Duck.   I came across it in an email from my friend Kersi Parekh, which included a photo.   I immediately thought this might be one of the most beautiful ducks in the world.   I quickly compared it, in my mind, with the North American Wood Duck and the East Asian Mandarin Duck, plus a few others, and decided it did have a unique, colourful presence even if not the most beautiful appearance in the world.   Its numbers are steady or increasing in central and eastern Asia, but declining in Europe.   Nevertheless, it is rated by I.U.C.N. as "least concern".   Wikipedia claims it is mainly nocturnal and omnivorous but does that mean it feeds in the dark?   Perhaps it feeds bumping around underwater or while stumbling around on land, in the gloom of dusk and dawn.   Its lovely appearance however is best viewed in the full light of day.   

Photo: Sayanti Sikder
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