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Nov 26, 2012

B.C. Short-eared Owl

Photo by Dave Kemp
Three blogs ago, on Nov. 23, I presented several raptor photos by Dave Kemp taken on Canada's west coast.   Here's another recent photo taken by Dave.   It's a rather compelling picture of a Short-eared Owl (look into those eyes).   Let me share Dave's email that accompanied this photo, as it has a trace of B.C.'s west coast sensibility, and I get a hint of what it might be like to be there, at the moment this great image was captured.
" Today we ventured down to 72nd and Boundary Bay, Ladner, and we came across this owl that just sat there and let everyone take pictures of it... sometimes you just have to be there at the right time.   A few Snowy Owls but I think it's early and more should be arriving within the next month... plenty of harriers but mostly people on a sunny Sunday afternoon...week days are much better".
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