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Sep 17, 2011

Wind Turbines near Luther Marsh

 Photo by BarrytheBirder
During my visit to Luther Marsh yesterday ( see previous blog entry) I happened to look over the open water, to the north, and saw, beyond the marsh's northeast shore and above the treeline, the tops of what seemed like hundreds of wind turbines, in the distance.   I later stopped near the main gate and asked a uniformed gentleman at the maintenace headquarters if the the wind turbines installation was ever opposed on the grounds that its vast array of towers would negatively affect birds at Luther Marsh.   He told me that while the wind turbines had created a huge controversy in the past few years, he had not heard that Luther Marsh birds were ever part of the turbine discussion.  There are actually 133 wind turbines just west of Shelburne, Ontario, and about 12 kms. north of Luther Marsh.   It made me wonder if there is bird-strike monitoring going on here at the Canadian Hydro Developers sites in Melancthon and Amaranth Townships, similar to the data recently released for the Wolfe Island wind turbines near Kingston, Ontario.     
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