It's that time of the year when every little wild pond, and bit of hidden wetland, reveals a secret muskrat lodge or two. I'm talking about the ones that are unseen and inaccessible in the deep, dense green of summer. The pictures here were taken just a few minutes from my home in King City. Invading the territory of the muskrat, and also that of the more-transient beaver, allows a few insights that are not normally available. I was not aware, for instance, that a muskrat will build its lodge as a lean-to against or right-around a tree trunk (see photo above). In this marsh, there are as many of this type as there are stand-
alone lodges or bank dens. Some dens have underwater tunnels, or open-air access holes, or vent holes (see photo at left). The vent hole may be accidential as a result of little snow, so far this winter. Evidence of beaver is found on many trees that are still standing or that have been felled by the tough-toothed rodent (see bottom right). I didn't see any beavers lodges and I assume that they have dug dens in some of the steep banks around the marsh. The water level is high as a result of the beaver dam that exists. The beavers have been here for a couple years but are up against municipal workers who breach their dam every so often to prevent flooding of a nearby road. Meanwhile the muskrats are content
Muskrat Photo by Silliopolous
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