This is my dear wife Linda offering to share with me, some of Dr. Oz's new wonder food. She whipped up this bowlful about a week ago and after seven days of infusion, it was ready to eat. There are only two ingredients, the first of which is raisins, which Linda had on hand. I was sent off to get the second ingredient. I visited a health food store called "LIBATIONS CONCOCTED of BOOZY ORGANICS", or LCBO, for short: also known as Liquor Control Board of Ontario. I came home with a generous quantity of an elixir called Bombay Sapphire (it looked like gin to me). Its main ingredient is juniper berries. When mixed with the raisins and left to stand for seven days, it is ready to consume. It seems to be a noteworthy antidote for pain from joint inflammation (arthritis). Dr. Oz advises taking just nine raisins a day and one shouldn't gulp them all at once. Linda stuffed two handfuls of marinated raisins into her mouth at one time and almost choked to death. Be careful out there folks and try not to abuse the recommended dosage. Our second batch was underway the moment we tasted the first batch. Linda is already considering it "...a special treat", above and beyond its good health properties.
Please comment if you wish.
Let me know when the gout sets in :).
Let me know when the gout sets in :).
Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?
Bad to hear she attempted to overdose. Must be the frustration or addiction but supplements like these must be taken in moderation.
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