Varied Thrush at Cold Creek
A Varied Thrush showed up at Cold Creek Conservation Area Last week. This is not a rare sighting if you live on Canada's west coast, but it sure is in Ontario. It has stayed around so many people have had a chance to see this lovely bird. The photo (above) was taken by Geoff Simpson who had put out some cracked corn, in the front yard of his house, near the Cold Creek main gate. Thanks to Geoff, this bird has become the the 121st bird added to the Cold Creek Bird Species List. Below is another Geoff Simpson photo, which he took last week, of a Cooper's Hawk, that is a regular visitor to Geoff's place. This attractive raptor had just taken down a Mourning Dove when its image was captured. We all have to eat, right? I'm hoping the Cooper's doesn't get a craving for Varied Thrush before I get a chance to get a picture. So far I haven't had much luck, but tomorrow's another day.
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