This is my adorable new granddaughter, Brawley Elizabeth Wallace-Parekh. She was born on May 14 and weighed in at 7 lbs. 1oz. Two weeks old tomorrow, she eats non-stop and appears to be thriving. An interesting name, Brawley, especially as a given name. As a surname, it's origin is the Irish Gaelic
O Brolaigh and means 'descendent of Brolach' (a personal name possibly derived from brollach 'breast'). The Brawley name is first traced in Lancashire before the Norman Conquest and the Brawley family motto is 'Vigilant and bold'. Well, we shall just have to wait and see about that. If you Google her name, the first thing you come across is a cowtown in southern California, but that is not where she got her name. Baby Brawley's name is a memorial to her father's good friend, Eric Brawley, who passed away suddenly and sadly, a few years ago, at the age of 34. Now, I'm off to spend some time with the wee girl. Is their anything more precious, in your arms, than a newborn? BtheB
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