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Jul 30, 2024

Swainson's Hawk has been around all summer

Photo submitted by Kyle Grant / Delmanor 

Swainson's Hawk
The Swainson's Hawk (Buteo Swainsoni) that has been spending the summer near the Aurora, Ontario retirement residence in which I live, continues to attract attention.   Especially when it enters the foyer of the building in pursuit of some small rodent   A Delmanor resident helped the big bird from western Canada find its way out, but not before getting this photograph in the main entrance.   It will be very interesting to see if this hawk will head back out west and then south as part of its winter migration.

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Jul 8, 2024

Deepest diving bird...


Emperor Penguin
1,850 feet
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Kingfisher identification...

 I have a birdwatching friend that claims 
the bird on the left is the male.
Please comment if you wish.

Jul 7, 2024

Belted Kingfisher - Vancouver Island

Megaceryle alcyon
Photo by  Dave Kemp
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Jul 4, 2024

Vancouver Island... Greater Yellowlegs

                                                                                                  Photo by Dave Kemp
Please comment if you wish.
Barry Wallace