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Nov 22, 2021

Short Blog interruption...


I will be moving from my home in King City, Ontario, to my new residence in Aurora, Ontario, at the end of November.

My blogs will continue to appear in the near future.

I look forward to communicating with you soon.


Barry Wallace


Nov 21, 2021

Cardinals and Blue Jays...

Photos by Barry Wallace

Red & Blue
Colours to make  winter even whiter 
Please comment if you wish.

Nov 18, 2021

Richmond Hill Millpond almost deserted...

Photos by BarrytheBirder
First day of winter a month away
A single Mute Swan, a half dozen male and female Mallard Ducks, a watermark fountain shut down, and cold gray water are all that remains at the Richmond Hill Millpond.   No Great Blue Heron, no cormorants, no gulls.   Ahh, but the first day of spring is just four months away.

if you wish.


Nov 16, 2021

West Coast bird photos by Dave Kemp...

Female Long-tailed Duck

Bewick's Wren

Pileated Woodpecker

YYellow-crowned KingletT

Recent assortment of harsh weather in British Columbia weather

has not deterred B.C. photographer Dave Kemp.

Please comment if you wish.


Nov 15, 2021

Nuthatches ~ winter warriors


Red-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

Photos by BarrytheBirder
Please comment if you wish.

Nov 13, 2021

1944 ~ 2019

Photo by BarrytheBirder
Linda Wallace
November 13, 2019

She never claimed to be a birder,
And she never had a life list,
Yet they were precious to her.

Please comment if you wish.

Nov 12, 2021

In the backyard...

        Photo by BarrytheBirder   

  Cooper's Hawk
     (Accipiter cooperii) 

     You have me at a disadvantage with your orange eyes.
    You know I shall blink first.

Please comment if you wish.

Nov 11, 2021

Beautiful photo of Female Northern Harrier


Photo by Len Blumin
Northern Harrier
(Circus hudsonius)

 I was checking out (online) Northern Harriers recently and came across this superb photo of a female taken by photographer Len Blumin, from Mill Valley, California.  Len commented that he was impressed with the capture he got of the 'strong facial disk capture'.   It's what caught my eye also...a wonderful portrait.   Northern Harriers, male and female, are one of my favourite raptors.   Their appearance, colouration, flying behavior and patterns and instant eating habits mesmerize me.   Below is one my personal photos of a female harrier.

Please comment if you wish.

Nov 9, 2021

Female and Male Mallards on a golden pond in B.C.

Dave Kemp photos from Vancouver Island

Please comment if you wish.

Nov 8, 2021

McKenzie Marsh -Aurora

                                                                                                                    Photo by BarrytheBirder

HardyTrumpeter Swan - November 5, 2020

Please comment if you wish.

Nov 7, 2021

Tundra Swans on Vancouver Island...


Photos by Dave Kemp
Tundra Swan
My B.C. friend Dave Kemp has captured a Tundra Swan in two eye-catching photos on the eastern shores of Vancouver Island.   Tundra Swans are large birds, as they appear to be in these photos, but are quite a bit smaller than the two Trumpeter Swans, as can be seen on the right, in the bottom photo.   I can't say how envious I am that Dave has  captured both Tundra Swans and Trumpeter Swans in the same photo.

Please comment if you wish.


Nov 5, 2021

Dave Kemp bird photos from B.C.

Photos by Dave Kemp
A prawn for lunch

Pied-billed Grebe

Harlequin Duck

A small crab for a snack

A late-afternoon snack

Fishing is always good for Sea Lions

Please comment if you wish.

Nov 2, 2021

Dave Kemp photo from B.C.

Photos by Dave Kemp
White-fronted Geese
(Anser Albafrons)
a.k.a. The Laughing Goose or Specklebelly

My west coast friend Dave Kemp has captured a great photo of four White-fronted Geese that he took on the east coast of Vancouver Island.   Slightly smaller than Canada Geese, these geese occur across the Northern Hemisphere and in North America are found mostly west of the Mississippi River.
Please comment if you wish.