Photo by BarrytheBirder
The flock of Canada Geese goslings, above, which I photographed this past Tuesday, are the same ones I photographed a couple of week ago right after they hatched, on the Seneca College grounds. They were a big family of twelve, including the parents, I believe. And they're still a big family, at twelve. They may very well all grow to maturity in the Seneca setting. What amazes me about Canada Geese flocks, is that there are families that are never reduced in size.
On the other hand, bewilderingly, there are parent Canada Geese who have only two or three goslings in tow. Taken being preyed upon by other creatures, or lost in accidents, how can be such large discrepancies between different families? I've seen this situation appear many, many times over the years. I've always felt that the loss of one, or two, or three goslings is to be expected, but how can a whole flock of goslings go missing. I'm always puzzled when I seen these poor small feathered few.
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