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Apr 30, 2021

Richmond Hill Millpond...

There used to be
two Mute Swans
at the 
Richmond Hill
Now there is but one.

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Apr 29, 2021

Cormorants return to Mill Pond in Richmond Hill

Photos by BarrytheBirder

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Apr 28, 2021

In Schomberg...


Photos by BarrytheBirder

These Canada Geese have selected tall beaver lodges to mount their nests upon, giving them a high goose's-eye view of surrounding marsh lands.
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Apr 27, 2021

Weston Road...

Photo by Barry Wallace
Wild Turkey Crossing
At no time did its feet touch the ground!

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Apr 26, 2021

Wandering around Pine Farms Orchard...

Photos by BarrytheBirder
I've been dropping into Pine Farms Orchard, on the 16th of King, north of King City, between Keele and Jane Streets, every day or two for the past couple of weeks, hoping to get some photos of the eye-catching resident ducks.   I finally caught up to them last Thursday.   They were meandering about pecking up anything that caught their eyes.  In the photo immediately below, one of the big birds is seen sampling a grapevine bud, while its companion looks askance at it, with a bulging eye.

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Apr 25, 2021

Some favourite duck photos I have taken...


Photos by BarrytheBirder

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Apr 24, 2021

Turkey Vultures don't share with crows...


Photos by BarrytheBirder

Four Turkey Vultures landed in a meadow at a rural King Township butchery  hoping, I suppose, for a few scraps of sheep offal but had to keep crows from joining them.  The pickings looked slim from what I could see.

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Apr 23, 2021

Wood Ducks and Mallards


Photos by BarrytheBirder
A pair of Wood Ducks is seen above in a roadside ditch on the 18th Sideroad of King Township.   In the photo below, the Wood Ducks appear to be sharing their small pool of water with a pair of Mallards.

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Apr 22, 2021

Male and female Red-winged Blackbird

Photos by BarrytheBirder
I happened to show someone photos of male and female Red-winged Blackbirds a few days ago, and the person had no idea what the female looked like and was completely surprised at its image.   Females are so often hidden in bull-rushes that unless you get close (not easy) or happen to see one at a feeder in the spring, a lot of people may be in the same boat.

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Apr 21, 2021

Holland Marsh Chickens...


Photos by BarrytheBirder
The rich black soil of the Holland Marsh seems as suitable for raising chickens as it does for growing vegetables.   More and more of the market vegetable crop-lands seem to be setting aside small plots for chickens.

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the Birder

Apr 20, 2021

Sunday morning in the Holland Marsh...

Photos by BarrytheBirder
 8 Great Blue Herons and 11 nests spotted

I was delighted this past Sunday morning to spot 8 Great Blue Herons  and 11 nests on the edges of the Holland Marsh swamp north of Highway 9 and west of the West Canal Bank Road.   In the two hours I was in the area I also spotted three Red-tailed hawks, a Wild Turkey, a Pileated Woodpecker, a pair of Common Mergansers, and a pair of Killdeers.  


Red-tailed Hawk

Male and female Common Merganser

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Apr 19, 2021

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds should appear in early May

Photo by Barry Wallace
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds travel an average of 1,500 miles on their way to a summer home.   The first to arrive just north of Toronto should be spotted in early May, depending on the weather.
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Apr 18, 2021

It's not spring until the Goldfinch is completely yellow...

   Photos by BarrytheBirder

It's not spring until the American Goldfinch is completely yellow (see photos above and at right).   It's my own personal rule after being an avid birdwatcher for the last thirty years.
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Apr 17, 2021

Birds in the garden don't always have to be real...


Photo by BarrytheBirder
Garden bird facsimilies, of all shapes, sizes and colours are de rigueur these days.   I spotted the example above at Black Forest Garden Centre on Keele Street north of King City.   It was one of many bird choices there, new and available, for this spring.   This one was as tall as me.   Be still my sprouting heart.

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Apr 16, 2021

Carrying Place Golf & Country Club...

                                                                                                     Photos by BarrytheBirder
The eleven Trumpeter Swans (above) that over-wintered at the Carrying Place Golf & Country on Weston Road have finally departed for breeding grounds further north.   It was a delight to chronicle their stay in this space for many weeks.  Now the two resident Mute Swans (below) at Carrying Place have  taken over the big Pond and they seem very content.  One wonders with great anticipation what next winter will bring.

Bottoms up!

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Apr 15, 2021

20 eagles a day in Calgary...


Photo by Dave Kemp
CBC News' Hannah Kost quotes naturalist Brian Keating saying he saw upward of a half-dozen Bald Eagles on any given walk, in Calgary, during this past winter, while some folks have reported 20 more more sightings per day.   The Calgary sightings may be due to more people out walking during the Covid crisis and it may be that there is a surplus of duck, the Bald Eagle's favourite cold-weather treat.   Calgary had more ducks than ever this past winter.
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Apr 14, 2021

At the feeder...

                                                                                          Photos by BarrytheBirder


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Apr 13, 2021

Back to December 31, 2006...

Photo by Barry Wallace
It was raining yesterday so I didn't get a picture for today's BarrytheBirder blog.  Instead, I went back to the first BarrytheBirder blog I ever wrote, on December 31, 2006, almost 15 years ago.   The photo was taken in late 2005.   The blog contained the following limerick:

I walk and look up
Counting a thousand blackbirds
I fall to the ground

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Apr 12, 2021

Main Street backyard ~ Schomberg


Photo by BarrytheBirder
Another birdhouse with pretensions
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