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Sep 30, 2018

Poisoning eagles in Australia...

Photo: DELWP 
Man jailed for 14 days for killing 406 eagles
A 59-year-old man from New Zealand has received 14 days in jail and a fine of $2,500 for poisoning 406 Wedge-tailed Eagles in Victoria, Australia.   The farmhand claimed to have obeyed orders from another man to destroy the birds.   He poisoned over 400 of the birds of prey and buried their carcasses over a two-year period.   The eagles had been preying on lambs.   The maximum penalty for such a crime under the Victorian Wildlife Act is six months in jail and an $8,000 fine, plus an $800 fine for each animal killed, which in this case could have amounted to $330,000.  The guilty man's sentence was reduced because he had notified police of his actions himself, pleaded guilty immediately, and helped authorities investigate the killing.     

Photo: fir0002 / flagstaffotos
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Sep 29, 2018

Last Red-throated Hummingbird left September 26

Photo by BarrytheBirder
The last Ruby-throated Hummingbird of the summer departed our backyard on Wednesday, September 26.  The last one usually departs the day before, or day after, September 22 each year.
In 2013, 2014 and 2015 it was the 22nd of September each of those years.   September in this part of the world is the peak migration month in the fall, and most birds migrate at night.   The last several nights have been quite cool and wet so their departure is no surprise.   Was it just a behavioural anomaly or a portent of migration shifts due to global warming.   Only time will tell, I suppose.
 Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, the charming photo below of Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) caught my eye online this week and I felt compelled to share it here.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Photo: Charles Melton / Alamy / Audubon
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Sep 28, 2018

Hurricane Florence...

Photo: Carlo Allegri / Reuters
Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) and Sandwich Terns (Thalasseus sandvicensis) huddle together last week after Hurricane Florence struck on Carolina Beach, North Carolina, US.
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Sep 27, 2018

Extraction of palm oil destroying Indonesia's rain forests...

Photo: Ahmed Yusni / EPA
A volunteer walks in front of a mural of endangered bird species o Papua, titled Wings of Paradise', on a street in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.   The mural is part of a Greenpeace worldwide campaign to stop destruction of Indonesia's rain forests for palm oil.
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Sep 26, 2018

Great flexibility can be an asset...

Photo: Alamy Stock Photo
A young Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adelberti), a.k.a. Adelbert's Eagle, is seen having a seemingly awkward encounter with a nearby smaller bird.
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Sep 25, 2018

Hairy Woodpecker has figured out birdfeeder...

 Photos by BarrytheBirder

This young Hairy Woodpecker (Picoides villosus) has already learned how to get sunflower seeds from this feeder.   If he does not stand on the perches (meant for smaller birds) he will not trip the mechanism that closes the feeding ports. 

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Sep 24, 2018

Swans on a golden river...

Photo: Joe Klamar / AFP / Getty Images
Very large Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) search for food in an arm of the Danube River, covered with water plants in Vienna, Austria.   Mute Swans are native to Eurasia and were introduced to North America in the mid-1800s through the early 1900s.   Mute Swans in North American are usually found in controlled captive environments, but some do exist in the wild also.
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Sep 23, 2018

Another photo award in Germany...

Photo: Mateusz Piesiak / GDT / EWPY 2018
The 2018 Junior Fritz Polking photography prize has been awarded to Mateusz Piesiak of Poland for this photo of great egrets and gulls that were spooked by the sudden appearance of a White-tailed Eagle.
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Sep 22, 2018

Feeding time...

Photo: Toby Melville / Reuters
Thousands of wading birds fly onto dry sandbanks during September's highest tides at the Wash Estuary, near Snettisham, in Norfolk, Britain.
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Sep 21, 2018

Fritz Polking Prize winner...

                                                                                          Photo: Johannes Wassermann
A Hazel Grouse (Tetrastes bonasia) is seen in the mountain forest of South Tyrol, Italy.   A documentary about the birds by Johannes Wassermann has won the 2018 Fritz Polking Prize given by the Society of German Nature Photographers.
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Sep 20, 2018

2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards...

These four photos of birds were among the finalists in the 2018 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, sponsored by the Born Free Foundation and designed to raise awareness of the natural world.

Photo: Shane Keena / Barcroft Images
An owl peeks up from the ground 

Photo: Kallol Mukherjee / Barcroft Images
A rhinoceros in a tutu? 

 Photo: Ke Qiang Ruan / Barcroft Images
Spot the difference: Black Skimmers stand in formation

 Photo: Danielle D'Ermo / Barcroft Images
"Stop me if I'm boring you"
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Sep 19, 2018

National Geographic 50 greatest wildlife photographs...

  These two photographs are part of an exhibition entitled
  Air, Land & Sea premiering in Australia this summer.

 Photo: Christian Ziegler for National Geographic
North-east Queensland, Australia. 2012

Photo: Paul Nicklen / National Geographic
Albatross Colony
Steeple Jason Island, Falkland Islands, 2015

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Sep 18, 2018

How long is your head, mate?

Photo: Jennifer Guyton / 2018 Wildscreen Panda Awards
Keeping track of the health of vultures in Gorongosa, Mozambique, requires taking accurate measurements of every captured individual.   Above, Ayla Kaltenecker, aspiring young scientist, measures the head of an endangered White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus).   The 'White-backed' is Africa's most common vulture, but is rapidly declining.
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Sep 17, 2018

Feeder perches designed to sit upon ... or hang from

                                                                             Photo by BarrytheBirder
The adaptable American Goldfinch
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Sep 16, 2018

Hummingbird Hawk-moth is not a bird...

Photo: Getty Images
This interesting creature (above) can fool people seeing it for the first time in nature, or in a photograph or video.  While resembling a bird, it is actually a Hummingbird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum Stellatarum).   In the photo below, it stretches its proboscis (sucking tube) for food into a flower.   This moth is found in the northern 'Old World' from Portugal to japan.   Four other species of hawk moths also occur throughout North America   It is another brilliant example of the natural world's remarkable creations.

Photo: Iron Chris / Wikipedia
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Sep 15, 2018

Destined to look better...

Photo above: Andrew Milligan / PA      Photo below: British Wildlife Centre / Wikipedia

This four-week old Barn Owl chick was born at Blair Drummond Safari Park, near Stirling in central Scotland.  The adult's face is distinctly and attractively heart-shaped.
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Sep 14, 2018

Stork at dawn...

                                                                 Photo:Thomas Warnack / AFP / Getty Images
A stork is photographed flying over a meadow at sunrise, in Riedlingen, near Munich in Germany.
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Sep 13, 2018

Birds newly declared extinct...

(Cyanopsitta spixii)
Spix's Macaw, a brilliant blue species of Brazilian parrot has become extinct this century, according to an assessment of endangered birds in a new statistical analysis by Birdlife International.   It was last sighted in the wild in 2000.  Five other birds have also be declared extinct, including...
Poo-uli (Black-faced Honey creeper)
Cryptic Treehunter
Alagoas Foliage Gleaner
Pernambuco Pygmy Owl
Glaucous Macaw

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Sep 12, 2018

Eagle huntress receiving...

Photo: Rosamund MacFarlane / 2018 Earth Photo
This photograph was entered, and made the 'Short List of 50 Exceptional Photos' in the 2018 Earth Photo Competition.
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Sep 11, 2018

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2018 competition...

Photo: Luke Massey / UK. / Natural History Museum
Pool Party is the title of this photo by Luke Massey, which was the People's Choice Selection in the 2018 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition in London, England.   The photo shows Lilian's Lovebirds gathering to drink and bathe at a drought-reduced waterhole at Zambia's South Luangwa National Park.
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Sep 10, 2018

Skimming over the Indian Ocean...

Photo: Sue Forbes
The photo above, entitled 'Flight' , by photographer Sue Forbes of the UK., was 'Highly Commended' in the Behaviour: Birds category of the 2018 Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition in London, England.   The bird is a juvenile Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) and is seen circling northeast of D'Arros Island in the Outer Islands of the Seychelles.   These birds, smallest of the boobies, spend most of their time at sea, where they swoop down to seize mainly squid and flying fish.
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Sep 9, 2018

Penguin's long-distance travelling a puzzle...

Photos: Thomas Mattern /AFP / Getty Images

The medium-sized Fiordland Penguin (Eudyptes pachyrnychus) is seen off the coast of Stewart Island, New Zealand, where it is an endemic species.  Its Maori name is 'Tawaki'.   This penguin can travel 6,800 kms. over 60 to 80 days, though it is a puzzle why it undertakes such marathon travels.   
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Sep 8, 2018

Traditional farming methods favour Linnets...

Photo: Mark Hipkin / National Trust
Linnets (Linaria cannabina) flock over 'The Vile' feeding on the linseed after the harvest in England.   This pioneering new project has  involved reverting back to traditional 1940s farming methods and has transformed a stretch of Welsh coastline, near Rhossli, Swansea.  The Vile, as this farming landscape is known, has transformed a stretch of coastline here into a haven for rare animals, birds and wildflowers; boosting numbers in some instances by more than 300%!
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Sep 7, 2018

Nature imitating art...

                                                                                                        Photos by Scott Falconer
One tree ~ two face carvings ~ so cool  
Long-time friend, Peter Marsh, sent me the two pictures, above and below, taken by his buddy Scott Falconer.  The photos were taken on shore of a lake that Scott frequents.  The holes were made by Pileated Woodpeckers and have the obvious look of faces: two eyes, a nose and a large mouth.  Remarkably, both faces are on opposite sides of the same tree.   What are the chances?   Extraordinary!    

More Pileated Woodpecker stuff...

The photos immediately above and below were taken by another longtime friend, Glenn McKinnon.   The one above shows a wooden carving of a Pileated Woodpecker that Glenn made and attached to the side of a tree.   Later, Glenn was lucky enough to get a photo of a real 'Pileated' opposite the painted wooden one.   Great shot! 

Photos by Glenn McKinnon

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Sep 6, 2018

Does this mean it might follow you home?

Photo: Dan Kitwood / Getty Images
Volunteer and bird ringer Ian Hunter blows on the belly plumage of a Blackcap to check for fat content, at the Kent coast's 'Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory' on August 28th of this week in Sandwich, England.
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Sep 5, 2018

Owl sees red lake for first time...maybe?

Photo: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images
A wide-eyed owl sits on a branch of a tree at Lake Tuz in Aksaray, Turkey.   In the photo below, Lak Tuz has taken on a red algae bloom (dunaliella salina), which it does each summer.

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Sep 4, 2018

2018 Wildscreen Panda Awards...

Photo: Jen Guyton / 2018 Wildscreen Panda Awards
Photographer Jen Guyton explores the symbiotic relationship between vultures and hyenas in Mozambique's Gorongoza National Park.    In this photo, two species of vultures converge on a dead elephant where hyenas have opened the carcass.   Apart from the collaborating progress of the food chain, carcasses disappear quickly from the landscape.
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Sep 3, 2018

Visit to beach for rehabilitating rescued parrot...

Photo : Alexander Fleming
The photo above titled 'Rehabilitating Roy's Parrot' was one of the entries in the annual exhibition Portraits of Britain, selected by the British Journal of Photography.  The fellow above, named Roy, had an African Grey Parrot on his back when photographer Alexander Fleming spotted him on a Devon beach.   The parrot was a rescued bird and the caged beach excursion, featuring open sea air, was part of its regular rehabilitation.
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Sep 2, 2018

Red Avadavats in Myanmar...

Photo: Ye Aung Thu / AFP / Getty Images
Red Avadavat birds (Amandava amandava) are seen above flying over a field in Shwelaung district near the Irrawaddy, Myanmar's longest river.   The Red Avadavat is also known as the Strawberry Finch or Red Munia.

Photo: Woraphot Bunkhwamdi
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Sep 1, 2018

Flamingos at dawn...

Photo: Murat Oner Tas
Flamingos are photographed flying over Lake Tuz after sunrise, during their incubation period in Aksaray, central Turkey.
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