Photos by BarrytheBirder
Earlier this year, there was great disappointment among local birdwatchers when the Ospreys failed to return to their nest atop a light standard in the parking lot at Seneca College's Eaton Campus, near the south side of Lake Jonda. The photo above was taken in 2010. Now a second, long-time Osprey nest has also failed to produce young Osprey at the Waterski Park, on Keele Street, south-west of the hamlet of Ansnorveldt, on the south side of the Holland Marsh. This second nest had been occupied for almost 20 years and was a faithful producer of young Osprey throughout that time. Paul, the gentleman who operates the Waterski Park said the Osprey pair showed up as usual and were around the nest up until the latter part of June but no offspring were noticed. He feels either the Osprey p[air were unsuccessful in their mating attempt this year or perhaps a predator got to the eggs or the hatchlings, in the late spring. These two nests played a huge part in the resurgence of the Osprey breed in southern Ontario over the last 20 years. Their times as successful mating pairs were probably nearing a natural reproductive end anyway, but it's a shame to think there will be no young Osprey being taught how to fly and fish, at these sites this year.

The Osprey nest on the north shore of the Waterski Park lake now sits empty after the long-time resident Ospreys appear to have been unsuccessful in raising any young this year.
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