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Dec 31, 2006

Beginning a blog odyssey

Here goes. off! Thank you to my nephew, Jesse (The Wasp), for exposing me to this new universe...and just when I thought I had seen and heard it all. This is the last day of 2006. Saddam is dead. George W. is alive. I'm dragging my butt somewhere in between. I've just turned 65. My doctor said: "I got you this far, now you're on your own". It seems he prefers the odds of medicating younger people.
I have made no resolutions for the new year of 2007. As Danae noted yesterday in Non Sequitur: "Don't mess with perfection". Having said that, I hope when I awake tomorrow that the world is a better place. Have I made a contribution to that end? Have you? We're working on it, right?
Here's my haiku for January 1, 2007:
I walk and look up
counting a thousand blackbirds
I fall to the ground
A clear, classical image with precise humour. Who says haikus can't be funny? Don't expect this every time though.